Tuesday, May 5, 2009

yeah!! i'm 17!!

yas, eza, fut!! i miss da moment wif both of u!!

i love u all 2 bebeh!

eca & ilani


well.. on da 4th of May 2009, i am 17 thn! hehe! really happy 2 b more older tho its juz in no haha! to those dat wish me, including my family!!! thank u sooo much!! really appreciate dat.. luv u all bebeh! feels lke want 2 gve a big2 hug to all of u.. yasmin, yeah ko 1st! aku hepi sgt.. trah, myko, najmi, rishi, maryam thnx a lot!! special thnx 2 fatin, yasmin, ayied, eca, yasirah, qil, bed, tasya, iman, spe lg ek?? lpe ar.. hahah! yeah, thank u so much 4 da cake! terharu gler!! hahah! spe lg nme?? aku lpe!! sorry!! pape pn, thank u!!


  1. ehehe~
    org last x igt ke? xP

  2. shamir, u r not da last lar cuz..
    2nd last.. haha! lpas shamir msg kte je, de lg yg msg ckp nk jd yg last jgk!
    ur msg on 11.58, the other on 11.59!

  3. lupe nk wish la. Tawun depan la gua wish..
