Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


hello2!! okey, here's a story.. mlm td, ibu ak ade bawa seorang kawan lama dtg ke rumah.. i call her aunty nurul. and she was not alone.. she came wif her daughter sakinah if im not mistaken.. so, after watching "gemilang", my mum had to send aunty nurul and her daughter to their hometown and kerubung.. so, nmpknye jam pn nk dekat pukul 11 mlm, ak pun ikut sme.. jalan.... masuk, cheng durian tunggal, kerubung dan beringin.. unexpected! 1st time pegi.. rumah aunty ni betul2 pedalaman.. Ya Allah, hutan, semak kiri kanan, gelap, sempit, dalam gila!!!! smpai dh xde rumah kiri kanan.. mengigil lah jgk.. tgk semua dlm kereta pun dah diam x terkata.. dah masuk punya lah dalam, ibu ak nk buat pusing keluar ke jalan besar balik.. x boleh buat pe dah terpaksa reverse masuk dlm kwasan pokok2 tuh.. reverse punya reverse tiba2 kereta dh x boleh ke depan sbb dh masuk semak.. aiyaa~ ak pn x tau pk pe tah, terus bkk pintu kereta keluar sbb yg lain x berani nk keluar.. ak suruh ibu reverse lg, tp ckit lg nk masuk kwasan mcm cerun.. ibu x berani.. pastu sakinah pulak keluar ajak ak tolak kereta.. laaa!! mmng x gerak lah ckit pn.. kemuncup pn dh byk melekat kat jeans ngn dress sakinah.. kesian dia.. huh.. ak nmpk ada sebuah rumah kat dlm hutan tuh.. pe lg "wei, jom ah pegi rumah tu mne tau dia boleh tolong" sakinah pn kata ok.. alhamdulillah, yg dduk rumah tu pn 1 keluarga bknnye org2 yg x dihendaki.. ada jgk pakcik snnggup turun dari kawasan rumah dia yg tinggi nk tolong.. THANK YOU PAKCIK.. tp, pakcik tu masuk je kereta dia ckp "alamak, auto ke, sy xtau guna auto.. xpe lah, reverse je lg ke belakang, msti boleh lpastu masuk kawasan rumah sy" ibu ak pun dgn takutnya reverse je alhamdulillah selamat pusing keluar.. fuhhh... lega~~~ tp, yg sumpah cuaknya kawasan tuh laa... ibu pn ckp "dah la, lepas ni nak hantar lagi kena bwk lg sorng dua"... ak pn x tau nk kata pe dah.. at the same time ak dpt jgk kwn baru.. sakinah, sma umur dgn ak.she's working with MAS.. nice to meet you! :)

Paulina feat. Douglas James

terbaikkk!! :D

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mr. ?

hello Mr??!! please.. please stop doing that! arghh... u make me fall in love with you when u did all those silly things! yeah, they were all silly things!! unexpected right?! huh.. and now I'm trying to avoid you, to forget you.. yeah, for the time being, i need to stay silence! tq! :)


your call~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

That's Why..

I've decided to leave you because,
I know you deserve someone better
I can't make you happy
I don't want you to see the bad side of me
I'm not be able to complete you
I'll make you disappointed
I want you to not regret
You are too nice
You always put all the blame on you
You had done too much for me
You deserve someone more better than me

I am Sorry..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

khas buat kau..

duduk2 mngelamun, tiba2 teringat kisah lama aku... hmm.....
wei kau, sejak aku kenal kau, aku dah banyak berubah.. aku jadi seseorang yang bukannya aku.. menjadi seseorang yang tak sepatutnya aku jadi.. ini lah kali pertama aku menyesal mengenali seseorang dalam hidup aku.. terima kasih sangat2 buat kau sebab kau muncul dalam hidup aku.. sekurang - kurangnya aku dapat belajar supaya lepas ni aku tak jumpa dan dekat lagi dengan orang macam kau.. barubah lah wei, tolong lah.. kau ni cakap je tau.. pandai nasihat orang.. tapi, diri sendiri juga yang hanyut dengan godaan dunia.. aku ingatkan lepas ni kau dah x buat lagi, tapi ko tetap KAU yang dulu.. and now! i'm deleting u from my life! EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!

Friday, March 25, 2011


yes! i'm truly damn happy! haha! last week i deactivated my fb account for some reasons.. and after that, i feel like i miss to talk with someone.. so, unexpected he started to start the conversation.. and yes, i was smiling and laughing by myself for that.. thanx! hee~

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Biar sejuta ILMU kita dalami, yakinlah bahawa itu hanya setitis air dari seluas lautan.

Hadirkan dalam diri rasa keinsafan, moga ILMU itu menjadi jalan mendakati Tuhan..


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ok.. lagu ni mmng best! :)


Turn Around
Turn Around and fix your eye in my direction
So there is a connection
I can't speak
I can't make a sound to somehow capture your attention
I'm staring at perfection
Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

I'm confident
But I can't pretend I wasn't terrified to meet you
I knew you could see right through me
I saw my life flash right before my very eyes
And I knew just what we'd turn into
I was hopeing that you could see
Take a look at me so you can see

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

Your beauty seems so far away
I'd have to write a thousand songs to make you comprehend how beautiful you are

I know that I can't make you stay
But I would give my final breathe to make you understand how beautiful you are
Understand how beautiful you are

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
You call me a stranger



ohh please..... i really want those shoes!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

rakan sebilik! :D

HYE! wee~ kali ni ak nk post pasal roommates ak lak masa kat kolej dulu.. hehe! its never too late jgk kan!? :D

as u can see! atas ni pic ak ngn roommates ak lah.. hehe! dari kiri melin, ann, mira and eza! :D erm, roommates yg byk bg moral supports kat ak! haha! thank you girlfriends!

Monday, March 21, 2011

T-15 of 2010/2011

hello monday! okey, untuk post kali ni.. ak nk kenalkan classmates ak masa kat kolej dulu... emm.. its never too late kan?? ! heee~

mula2 skali yg most important! haha! nmpk akak2 dua org atas ni? hehe! termasuk ak, kami 3 org ni je lar kaum hawa dalam kelas ni! boleh kata sume kelas engineering kat kolej tu mcm ni jgk.. lupa plak.. yg akak baju biru ni, nma dia Izzati, yg baju hijau pulak Salihah! ak respect dua2 mmber ak ni coz masing2 ada kelebihan.. :D and of course! dua2 pn dh mmeriahkan lg hidup ak kat kolej tu! thanx wei! thanx a lot! THANK YOU!

okey! next! gambar yg tertera kat atas ni adalah jejaka2 dalam kelas ak.. haha! mula dari atas kiri ashraf, zul, syazilie, naqib, paly.. bawah kiri pulak qimi, sem, daoh, haqim, faiz.. yg dua org mcm ke depan sikit dari kiri oman & aslam! secara ringkasnya pasal dieorg ni.. hmm.. MACAM2!! haa,, nk ringkaskan pn x boleh.. haha! yg pasti mcm2 kerenah! tu je lar yg dpt dijelaskan! conclusion nye.. dieorg ni best lah bg ak.. err... haa!! pe ak taip ni.. haha! :D

mula2 masuk kelas mmng x lah rapat sgt dgn semua.. maklumlah belang semua belum keluar lagi kan.. tp, masuk sem 2 je semua dah jd rapat.. ok lah, mmng xde masalah pn dgn kelas tutorial ni! :) tanggal 3 Mac 2011 dgn rasminya kelas T -15 2010/2011 dah pn dibubarkan.. tipulah kalau ak ckp x sedih kan.. :'( huu.. so, lpas ni masing2 dh de bwk haluan sendiri dgn pilihan unikl masing2! 6 pegi MFI, 5 org pergi MIAT, 2 org MiCET, 1 org BMI, 1 MIIT.. papepn, ALL THE BEST untuk sume! semoga cita2 yg diimpikan tercapai.. aminn... alhamdulillah ak bersyukur sgt sebab dpr classmates mcm korng ni semua! :) gonna miss all of YOU!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

long time no see~

hye blog!

wee~ lama gila x update kan?? haha! smpai terlupa yg ak ada blog.. hmm.. ak baru je habis foundation kat kedah! :) alhamdulillah ak diberi peluang tuk habiskan masa belajar ak kat sana.. so, mcm biasalah, bila dah habis.. kita pun berpisah.. nnnn.... sumpah sedih lah tingglkan kwn2... roommates! classmates! floor mates! wei RINDU KAT KORANG SUME!! as 4 now, all of us.. we are still waiting for our result.. and soon, on april will be our practical! :D