Friday, April 10, 2009

Just a writing..

LifE.. what is life?? some people said, we humans, need someone or something for our life.. but, do that someone or something will help us on what we want.. everyone hve their own goals.. its not easy to score it.. the way we strive towards it, is an adventure.. many things we hve to face in this world.. happiness, sadness, problems, is a part of our life.. it coloured our self and it will show who we are..sometimes it is hard to knw who we are, sometimes we forgot who we are, sometimes we are not being who we are.. just make sure that it will be and must be sometimes..thre are gud people and bad people in this world.. choose who we wanna be.. people are not always gud and not always bad.. nobody is perfect.. all things that happend hve it own reasons.. we need to understand and we must believe in it.. many people will be around when we are happy to share our happiness 2gther.. but we will feel lonely when we are sad coz its hard 4 someone to share our sadness.. always remember the people that alwys be there when u really need them, coz its not easy 2 find someone who willing to hear, to give response, to understand, to heal and to be thre just for you when u feel da world is turning back.. people might using u for their own gudness.. when thy are happy thy will forget 'bout u, but when thy are sad, thy will search on u.. its sucks rite.. thats human, thats us! unpredictable.. u hear what thy wnna share, but thy ignore what u wish 2 share.. always heard about this "Sharing Is Caring".. whats caring? care about someone to b attracted? hmm.. juz a writing from own experiences and what i had observe..