Friday, February 20, 2009

the evening..

2nd! today, i cme back from school at 5.30..
i spent my evening wif da junior..
nisa, botet ( i dnt noe wat's her real nme) and wani..
they kept askng me, "kak eza, npe kuar band?"
wat 2 do.. i noe i cnt giv my full cmitmnt with it..
so it's better 4 me to stop from joining da band..
sory guys!
wish u all da best!
kluster school!


  1. lor....ko nak maen hockey eh??? good luck anyways..

  2. x lar..
    hockey pn aku dh x msk..
    lathn2 cuti sek tu aku x bleh dtg lar..
    cuti slslu byk hal..
