Thursday, December 31, 2009


semalam masa pergi solat jenazah di masjid ampang ternampak helaian kertas yang mungkin maklumatnya dapat dikongsi bersama..

Yang Akan Ikut Mayat Adalah 3 Hal iaitu:
1. Keluarga
2. Hartanya
3. Amalnya

Ada Dua Yang Kembali Dan Satu akan Tinggal Bersama iaitu:
1. Keluarga dan Hartanya akan Kembali
2. Sementara Amalnya Akan Tinggal Bersamanya

Maka ketika roh meninggalkan Jasad.. Terdengarlah Suara Dari Langit Memekik, "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Apakah Kau Telah Meninggalkan Dunia, Atau Dunia Yang Meninggalkanmu
  • Apakah Kau Yang Telah Mengumpul Harta Kekayaan, Atau Kekayaan Yang Telah Mengumpulmu
  • Apakah Kau Yang Telah Menumpuk Dunia , Atau Dunia Yang Menumpukmu
  • Apakah Kau Yang Telah Mengubur Dunia, Atau Dunia Yang Menguburmu."
Ketika Mayat Tergeletak Akan Dimandikan.. Terdengar Dari Langit Suara Memekik "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Mana Badanmu Yang Dulunya Kuat, Mengapa Kini Terkulai Lemah
  • Mana Lisanmu Yang Dahulunya Fasih, Mengapa Kini Bungkam Tak Bersuara
  • Mana Telingamu Yang Dahulunya Mendengar, Mengapa Kini Tuli Dari Seribu Bahasa
  • Mana Sahabat-Sahabatmu Yang Dahulunya Setia, Mengapa Kini Raib Tak Bersuara"
Ketika Mayat Siap Dikafan... Suara Dari Langit Terdengar Memekik "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan..
  • Berbahagialah Apabila Kau Bersahabat Dengan Ridha
  • Celakalah Apabila Kau Bersahabat Dengan Murka Allah
  • Kini Kau Tengah Berada Dalam Sebuah Perjalanan Nun Jauh Tanpa Bekal
  • Kau Telah Keluar Dari Rumahmu Dan Tidak Akan Kembali Selamanya
  • Kini Kau Tengah Safar Pada Sebuah Tujuan Yang Penuh Pertanyaan"
Ketika Mayat Diusung.. Terdengar Suara Dari Langit Memekik "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Berbahagialah Apabila Amalmu Adalah Kebajikan
  • Berbahagialah Apabila Matimu Diawali Taubat
  • Berbahagialah Apabila Hidupmu Penuh Taat"
Ketika Mayat Siap Disolatkan.. Terdengar Suara Dari Langit Memekik "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Setiap Pekerjaan Yang Kau Lakukan Kelak Kau Lihat Hasilnya Di Akhirat
  • Apabila Baik, Maka Kau Akan Lihatnya Baik
  • Apabila Buruk Kau Akan Lihatnya Buruk
Ketika Mayat Dibaringkan Di Liang Lahat... Terdengar Suara Memekik Dari Langit "Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Apa Kau Telah Siapkan Dari Rumahmu Yang Luas Di Dunia Untuk Kehidupan Yang Penuh Gelap Gulita Di Sini
"Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Dahulu Kau Ketawa, Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Menangis
  • Dahulu Kau Bergembira, Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Berduka
  • Dahulu Kau Bertutur Kata, Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Bungkam Seribu Bahas"
Ketika Semua Manusia Meninggalkannya Sendirian.. Allah Berkata Kepadanya.. "Wahai Hamba-Ku...
  • Kini Kau Tinggal Sendirian
  • Tiada Teman Dan Tiada Kerabat
  • Di sebuah Rumah Kecil, Sempit dan Gelap
  • Mereka Pergi Meninggalkanmu... Seorang Diri..
  • Padahal, Karena Mereka Kau Pernah Melanggar Perintahku
  • Hari ini.....
  • Akan Kutunjukkan Kepadamu
  • Kasih Sayangku
  • Yang Akan Takjub Seisi Alam
  • Aku Akan Menyayangimu
  • Lebih Dari Kasih Sayang Seorang Ibu Kepada Anaknya"
Kepada Jiwa-Jiwa Yang Tenang Allah Berfirman "Wahai Jiwa Yang Tenang
  • Kembalilah Kepada Tuhanmu
  • Dengan Hati Yang Puas Lagi Di redhai Nya
  • Maka Masulah Ke Dalam Jannah Hamba-Hamba- Ku
  • Dan Masuklah Ke Jannah- Ku....

Artikal ini adalah sebagai tatapan diri sendiri dan juga sesiapa yang membaca... setiap manusia akan merasai kematian.. dan kita tidak tahu bilakah ianya akan berlaku

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

dalam kenangan...

pg ni pkul 10 pg mcm base lar aku bru nk melngakah kuar dari rumah.. tbe2 ibu dpt cll dari ayah.. so, dpt tau nenek saudara aku telah pun meninggal dunia.. agak terkilan sbb aku x brjumpa dgn arwah baru2 ni.. pg tuh terus gerak pegi kL.. arwah selamat dikebumikan dia ampang selepas solat asar.. alhamdulillah.. aku dan keluarga tibe melaka jam 2 pg td.. =)

Monday, December 28, 2009


arini g keje lmbat cket..
sbb bngun lmbat, kne g sendiri.. haha!
adk dh beli psp, tp aku yg rasmikan dgn bngganya..
haha! pape je arh!
xde idea.. skang nieh
aku benci kau, aku rndu korng, yg len2 blah k dari hidup aku!
jgn nk mnyibuk aku x ske ar pe yg ko buat!

ini pulak

so, today plak ek..
hmm.. mcm biasa pg2 g kerja..
kerja2 gelak2 duduk2 tu je lar yg buat..
gado cket dgn ibu punye pekerja..
lawak2 dia ckp pe semua gua x faham..
dia marah gua gelak..
haiz.. ptg g mp jap survey psp 3000..
ok lar rm899.. tnggu mse nk beli je..

Friday, December 25, 2009

hari ini!

arini Christmas!
rmai customer kat kdai!
rmai sgt!! x de mse pn nk duduk jap...
haiz.. tp, sume byk cekadak!
ptg cket tu, Miss Tourism from the whole world dtg..
cun gak ar.. tinggi gler!!
tu je kot! xde pe yg best!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

hang out!!

today again hang out..
but not for movie..
3 0f us..
abg akim, nurul and me..
not much activities..
games, bowling, karaoke, waffles shared ..
dats all..

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

kita dan orang

Dalam DUNIA ni X de orang yang faham KITA
Hanya diri KITA sendiri yang faham diri kita
Orang x faham apa yang kita buat.
Hanya KITA yang faham apa yang kita buat..

Monday, December 21, 2009

juz something

sometimes we have to let go the person that we love..
juz to let them be in their on way..
and we will be in our own way..
everyone of us have their own life...
they need their life.. juz let them be..
even though they are not asking for it..
but if you love the person you will know what you need to do for them..
we need to sacrifice although it is hurts..
time will heal it..
sometimes we do need privacy..
tho people always said sharing is caring and caring is love..
if you believe in yourself, you don't have to worry..
everything is going to be OK..


saat..... jam..... hari.......
berlalu seperti biasa tanpa henti..
aku meneruskan hidup aku jgak..
pagi2 dah bangun walaupun tiap2 malam tdo pkul 4 pg..
erm, org dtg dan pergi..
tapi setiap kenangan yang ada x mudah pergi seperti kaki kita yang melangkah..
sebab tu lar kenangan tidak kira manis ataupun pahit
kenangan lama ataupun kenangan yang baru berlaku
akan sentiasa diingati...
hidup perlu diteruskan..

Saturday, December 19, 2009

money.. money...

last nite chatting with ariff till 5.30am! hahah!
sory to others coz not replying yours..
this morning i already started working with my mother..
today raining 4 the whole day..
so, im not really tired..
but do have fun with the weather..
im making my day better and more better..

im yours

cute gler!!! haha!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

my wednesday

today, wednesday..
woke up at 9am..
online 1st..
thn, ysmn's mom fetched me..
went 2 school..
hang out with yasmin..
mcd with yasmin and abah too..
watched movie Princess and The Frog..
on da way back bumped with aiman and ashmin..
we went to stadhuys..
at nite lepak at warong..
so, dats all..
im going to Port Dickson tomorrow..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

adam lambert.. sje post mamat ni pnye pic.. coz just nw frm 10 pm till 4 am I'm only listening to his songs! recently i addicted to adam lambert..


baru blk cuti2.. so, duk rumah je lar.. nk kluar tp nk sve duit plak baik jgn kuar... rutin harian yg sgt membosankan.. bngun, mandi, makan maybe, amik bantal baring dpn tv.. tgk lar dvd mcm2 ade.. haiz.. tu je lar... bngun mkn tdo blk smpai mlm.. mood pn jd x mnentu.. kjap ok kjap x.. wat a stupid routine i had!


hello! hello! hello!
ok, now is wat we cll it FREEDOM!!
SPM done last week!
congratulations people!
its da next step after our school life!
part-time job, driving lincense, hang out, cooking lesson and so on....
Have a Nice Holiday!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

heart attack!!

2nd September 2009 - 16th September 2009
SPM Trial Examination..
7 papers done!

Bahasa Melayu
Bahasa Inggeris
Agama Islam

2 more papers to go!
Best oF Luck!

Additional Mathematics

Friday, August 28, 2009

nk tau?

wei, esk aku x kuar rmh
sbb makcik aku ske mkn kek
so, tu psal lar adk aku ske main game
sbb cter godfather sexy
2 yg kucing aku slalu gado~

fham x??


Di keheningan malam, termenung ku berseorang, x lena mata dipejam.. terdengar suara tengiang.. ceh, tngkap jiwang lak! hmm, bulan ramadhan ni dh seminggu dh puasa.. cuti... alhamdulillah setakat ni, semua lancar jek.. kul 3 pg ni, ttbe rndu lak kat org.. rndu kat spe ek? err, kat semua lar.. awk, kau, kamu, anda, mereka, u, org kat sebelah, belakang, atas (mengarut dh).. haiz.. rndu weiyh, tul x tipu gurau jek.. hee~ harap2 semua sihat walafiat... =)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

pertemuan yang tidak dirancang

bertempat di : perpustakaan awam
hari : isnin
tarikh : 24 Ogos 2009
masa : 10.oo am - 4.0opm
kawasan : bahagian rujukan umum tingkat atas skali
jumpa siapa: yasmin, ilani, eca, bedah, fatin, syida, iman, aiman, tassha, yas, jemi, qila, insyirah ngn kwn dia spe nme tah, aspau (azie), mubin n spe2 lg lar.. rmai!! struggle 4 spm yek!
All The Best!


2.0oam - 4.3oam >> tdo lar best!
5.00am - 5.30am >> sahur2!! dy ske sahur
6.0oam - 7.0oam >> lpas solat subuh wat lar pape, smpai trtdo~
9.0oam - 4.0opm>> ni x tntu lar.. library/hmewrk/online
5.0opm-6.30pm>> kmas2 rmh sblum ibu balik.. hehe..
7.0opm- 8.0opm>> berbuka =)
8.20pm - 10.30pm>> jom g surau, terawih..
11.0opm - 2.0oam>> duk ngn adk2 tgk tv larh, gado2 cket.. hehe

ni rutin harian mula ari pertama puasa.. ari2 bwt bnde sme jek.. tp, klau de tusyen, tukar cket lar.. kne buka puasa dalam kereta sbb nk cpt smpai..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ramadan ;-)

selamat bepuasa kapada muslimin dan muslimat, semoga ramadhan kali ini lebih baik daripada yang sebelumnya~ insyaALLAH...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

15 August 2009

8.30-12.30 >> Score A Biology

1.0o-3.0o >> Tuition

3.30-6.30 >> mp!! class party!

sumpah best gler.. smbut bufday sir vgnes skali..
tq sir vignes, ckg alimah and 5st2 '09 girls!!
thanx 4 da memories!!
maybe dis is our last class party..
gonna miss all da time together!

p/s : will upload pic later..

Sunday, August 9, 2009

seminar biology~

lme dh x update blog ni..
so, 2day saturday went 2 kolej professional mara..
attend 4 biology workshop - paper 3!
unplanned at all..
mlm tu bru terfikir nk g..
seminar ni mula kul 8am-5pm..
best! best!
smpai je duk sblah keyna ngn eca..
yeah, stpm paling havoc sbb kteorg paling rmai..
malu lar jgk, kepoh2 ni..
hehe! waterver it is,learnt a lot on dat day..
thanks to Puan Haffa Izzah!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

duty?? no more!!

duty? dis week will b da last week 4 form 5 n form 3 prefects.. we off our duty.. yeah!! bt in da morning we still are.. haiz.. its ok thn.. tp, dh x leh kuar rehat awal.. tu yg x best tuh.. isnin ni de majlis 4 prefects n pss, pink n white.. sme of us including me hve to wear vest.. sbb blazer nk bg bdk2 bru.. so, gudluck 2 da nxt high committee members! all da best!

aku dh penat lar~

Julai?? julai... ye lar julai.. bulan tujuh kan?? 7 is my fav no act! tp, bln julai ni aku dh alami satu situasi yg aku sendiri x mmpu nk berdiri teguh mnghadapinya..knapa bru skarang bnde2 ni dtg?? npe x dulu mse mula2 tuh an?? ntahlar, ble hdup kte dikawal oleh org mmng lar x seronok.. pe yg kte buat, pe yg kte rse sume org tau, sume org nk amik tau.. yelar, kte kne sedar kte ni hidup bermasyarakat.. hdup bermsyarakat, x bermakna kte bleh kcau hdup masyarakat sekeliling kita.. pndang, lihat, tgk bleh jgn nilai bnda2 yg x elok.. diam2 leh jd fitnah.. kan x bgus tuh.. nk tlng bleh, mmng bleh.. tp, dgn cara yg btul lar.. kte manusia berakal tau mne baik mne buruk.. klau org slah kte tgur tp jgn hebohkan kesalahan org tu.. fkir dulu sblum bertndak pe pun.. jgn berindak mngikut perasaan.. byngkan kte kat tmpt org tuh.. pe yg kte rse? sme je nnti mcm pe yg dia rse.. kte sesama manusia mstilah sme de hati dan perasaan.. ble kte dh tgur org tu, terserah lah dia nk ikut ke x nk.. tp, bntu dia tlng dia cari arah yg btul.. bkn paksa dia.. itu dh salah.. mne bleh kte paksa2 org.. kte x tau org tu.. dia dan org yg dia syg je tau diri dia spe.. klau dia rse dia btul, biarkan.. tp, klau dia slah msti dia sedar dan akan buat sesuatu.. itu aje stakt ni.. lega sikit dh taip bnda nieh.. btw, thnx 2 all dat alwaz b by my side...

Sunday, July 5, 2009


make me smile
make me laugh
make me happy
brighten up my day
complete me
yeah, its YOU
thank you 4 your presence in my life
i am happy to be with YOU
I Love YOU

Monday, June 8, 2009

Alif - Akan Tiba

this song is quite old already.. tp, lantak ar.. hehe!


so, today Monday
a week of holiday pass
hmm, nothing much
but i had a good time then
since last monday till sunday
spent my days with "my precious"
yeah, do love them all
thank you for everything!!
will miss all of you
the time we had together, its priceless & valuable
i wont take that away
as the time passes by
i will love you all more and more

Sunday, May 31, 2009

a day at kedai ibu...

my sunday!! went 2 stadhuys 2 help my ibu.. tired! sleepy! hot! but i'm ok wif dat.. jz hve probs wif da customers.. bt thn, thy r our customers.. n i met my ibu new worker.. Sabira, 16.. funny, crazy n sweet gurl.. erm, childish act.. spent a day wif her 2day.. feels like i already knw her 4 a long time... tired meh.........

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


yeah mid year examination 2009 done!
wif da last paper add math!
perh, ssh!!
now, waiting 4 da results! hee~

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Monday! Monday! Monday!
1 more paper 2 go 4 mid year examination!
the hardest paper 4 me!
Good Luck!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dental clinic!

At skul nw.. bru lpas check gigi.. Regular check up at skul! TERPAKSA!! dat makcik!! uargh!! ganazz gler! pnyelar kasar, mcm ketuk batu plak.. about half an hour had 2 endure!! tkut if x leh ttup blk jer.. kne bebel lg ngn makcik tu.. yelar bkn makcik, dentist.. at last, siap gak! yeah!! sumpah lega!! thanks makcik repair my gigi!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

16 May

to all my teachers out there,
thank u and sorry for everything!
love u all...
may ALLAH bless u..

Friday, May 15, 2009

1st week exam!

4 papers done!
fuh, tired....
5 more papers 2 go..
tough papers..
sej, physcs, chem, bio, addmath..
hope can do well..

bm- karangn quite ok.. salah tgk jam..
- paper 2, tertdo.. whn i wke up juz left about 5 min to answer 5 questions

eng-boleh tahan lar..
-paper 2, i spent more times on summary..

ag-both papers, not 2 tough, not 2 easy..

math- paper 1 ok2 jer..
- paper 2, yeah x pnah2 bwt cmtu pnye lme..

so, dis cming papers hope can do more better..


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


y0! hehe! aiyaa~ its 2 am now.. yeah, not sleep yet.. want 2 noe y?? erm, coz x ngntok lg lar..
hee~ jz drnk red bull.. fuwah!! yeah, feel lonely.. usually, my bro wif me rite now.. bt, he's not here.. do mz him! huhuh.. 1 more thng, without my hp rite now! argh!! no msgs from (thy noe who thy are), no music!! ku x boleh hidup tanpamu hp! ko ibarat teman lelaki ku.. cewah... yeah, tgh x btul lar ni.. so, esk 2nd paper agama islam... erm, not bad.. here u r, hysteria by muse.. luv 2 hear dis song whn feeling lonely! hee~

Sunday, May 10, 2009

mid year!

the day it comes 11th May 2009
Mid Year Examination!!
gudluck 2 all my frens and all form 5 students 2009..
yeah! mari kita sama2 berjuang!!
dis will b da last mid year exm 4 us!
wish me luck!
btw, ily (ttbe jek)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

camera day!

eza, yasmin
sir vignes!!


ckg fadhilah

eza n mira

eza, ustaz, ckg azam, mira

band gurls


its photo session 4 school da school mag 2day.. yeah, while waiting 4 our turn, we took our own pic wif our own photographer.. heheh! thnx 2 yasmin 4 da pics!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

yeah!! i'm 17!!

yas, eza, fut!! i miss da moment wif both of u!!

i love u all 2 bebeh!

eca & ilani


well.. on da 4th of May 2009, i am 17 thn! hehe! really happy 2 b more older tho its juz in no haha! to those dat wish me, including my family!!! thank u sooo much!! really appreciate dat.. luv u all bebeh! feels lke want 2 gve a big2 hug to all of u.. yasmin, yeah ko 1st! aku hepi sgt.. trah, myko, najmi, rishi, maryam thnx a lot!! special thnx 2 fatin, yasmin, ayied, eca, yasirah, qil, bed, tasya, iman, spe lg ek?? lpe ar.. hahah! yeah, thank u so much 4 da cake! terharu gler!! hahah! spe lg nme?? aku lpe!! sorry!! pape pn, thank u!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

May.. 5.. Mei.. Lima.. Five & so On...

01o5- tution ( 8am-10am , 3pm-5pm , 8pm-10pm)
0305- Najmis's Birthday
0405-Folio Sivik, MY BIRTHDAY!!
08o5-Add Math
11o5- Mid Year Examination!! (Jiha's birthday)
1205-Nabilah's Birthday
1305-Ain's Birthday
1605-Teachers Day
1805-Teachers Day Celebration
20o5-Ayah Birthday
2205-Yasirah's Birthday
2605-Anis Birthday

any date(s) i miss??!!


yeah! she's going 2 open da new chapter of her life dis May.. haha! :-P

Saturday, April 25, 2009

my neighbour!

erm.. after about 1 week x post anythng.. so, 2day juz wanna talk about my neighbour in 5st2.. heheh! she' s my bestest neighbour actually.. i still remember da 1st time we talked whn on Q.. juz said 2 her "wei, bleh tepi ar! sempit.." then she answered me " ko tu yg tepi" hehe! and 2day, dnt noe how we can b frens.. haha! she looks like nerdy gurl.. but she is not! she is ok.. funny 2! can b frens wif anyone.. never feel bored whn wif her.. yeah! we always hve smethng to talk.. mngumpat? we wont.. hehe! hope our frenships will last forever AMIRA HAMIRUDDIN!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

kursus kepimpinan

sabtu, erm.. ade kursus kepimpinan pengawas.. ya, i'm a prefect! hee~ so, pngwas asrama dan pngwas sek terlibat lar.. penceramah2 yg hadir dari UTeM.. mula pada pkul 8 pg smpai 5 ptg..
pnat lar jgk.. tp, best!! selain dpt input yg baek, i had so much fun thre.. dpt knal2 lg dgn pengawas2 yg masih blum dikenali.. faci yg dtg sume sporting.. thanx 2 them coz sudi hadir n spent the whole day wif us! hope can meet them again...

Sunday, April 12, 2009


erm, sunday! even smlm tdo lmbt pn, i wke up early in da mrning and get ready to start my new day! so, 2day hve to go for tuiton for 5 hours!! lme kn?? haha! pape jer.. so, dssbkn ysterday i slept at 4.30 a.m, keadaan diriku ini ketika berjalan seorng diri hndak mnuju ke tmpt tsyn adalah seprti "lalang''.. at last, slamt smpai.. by da time nk naik tngga tu, i saw a boy! seriously, he's cute! ( ngntok pn smpat tgk) he is about 10 years old.. hehe! so, ingtkn nk amik pic dia.. seluk2 pocket, bru teringt.. "alar, x bwk hp lar..." haiz.. trus msk klas.. my class tu, ade 12 baris and setiap baris tu ade 8 meja.. as usual, my place dkt dpn skali, kanan skali, tepi skali, sblah dinding, blkang pintu dpan.. im siting thre alone, spnjang baris tu kosong je, dnt noe y x de org nk duk dpan.. selang 3 baris from my back bru ade pnghuni.. i juz like a ghost thre, x brcmpur dgn org.. ckg gangga pn msk.. then dia ckp '' ok klas harini kte ade ujian sejrah tngkatan 4" buat beberapa saat diriku terpaku! in my mind " ujian? sejarah lak tuh!! satu ape pn x baca!" by da time waiting 4 ckg gangga phtostate papers im thnking about dis "nk lari ke nk stay, nk lari ke nk stay" haiz.. stay je lar.. krtas pn ade dpan mata.. so, can u imagine, dm keadaan mcm ''lalang'', x bwk hp, ddk dpan skai sorng2, x baca papepun.. macam mana nk jwb? dh lar sbjct yg pling lemah.. setiap soalan, b4 baca i'll tke a deep breath, dpt jwb je pnye lar lega.. i repeat all dis almost on all questions about 2 hours.. x gve up pn, keep answerng all.. x tau lar dpt berapa.. so, tsyn pn abes.. thn mse on da way nk blk tu, tiba tiba hujan turun dgn lebat! nk x nk rempuh je lar.. abes bsah kuyup, kerts2 sume basah!! haha! what a "wonderful" sunday!

looking 4ward

erm, hye!

its 3 a.m now..
thnking about sumone and smethng..
juz a short post, not in a gud mood act..
i met dis person, we were close b4..
but, dis particular person met sumone..
ya, thy look happy 2gether..
so, dat particular person started to left me behind..
i dnt mind act.. its ok 4 me..
as long as thy r happy, i'll be ok..
juz dnt pretend to be kind 2wards me..
u wanna go, juz go, i'll let u go..
i'm looking 4ward through a new chapter...
thats all..
have a gud life then......

Friday, April 10, 2009

Just a writing..

LifE.. what is life?? some people said, we humans, need someone or something for our life.. but, do that someone or something will help us on what we want.. everyone hve their own goals.. its not easy to score it.. the way we strive towards it, is an adventure.. many things we hve to face in this world.. happiness, sadness, problems, is a part of our life.. it coloured our self and it will show who we are..sometimes it is hard to knw who we are, sometimes we forgot who we are, sometimes we are not being who we are.. just make sure that it will be and must be sometimes..thre are gud people and bad people in this world.. choose who we wanna be.. people are not always gud and not always bad.. nobody is perfect.. all things that happend hve it own reasons.. we need to understand and we must believe in it.. many people will be around when we are happy to share our happiness 2gther.. but we will feel lonely when we are sad coz its hard 4 someone to share our sadness.. always remember the people that alwys be there when u really need them, coz its not easy 2 find someone who willing to hear, to give response, to understand, to heal and to be thre just for you when u feel da world is turning back.. people might using u for their own gudness.. when thy are happy thy will forget 'bout u, but when thy are sad, thy will search on u.. its sucks rite.. thats human, thats us! unpredictable.. u hear what thy wnna share, but thy ignore what u wish 2 share.. always heard about this "Sharing Is Caring".. whats caring? care about someone to b attracted? hmm.. juz a writing from own experiences and what i had observe..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Secret Code!

2oo5 - 31o7 - 18o2 - 13o2 - 1o1o - 2911 - 11o7 - o911 - 31o1 - o5o7 - 15o4 - 15o8 - 2412- 10o1- 29o1 - o3o5 - 1212 - 27o3 - 221o - 271o - 11o5 - 22o5 - 26o5 - 1807 - 18o3 - 28o2

those no r very important 2 me.. i'll never forget it.. hee~

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sports Day!!

wassup!? da sports day!! tired! fun! meaningfull! & much more!! haha! ya, dis may be da last sports day of me & my frens in our school! sdih2! huhuhu! a bit kecewa coz Tun Teja my rmh skn klah! haiz.. but its ok, da fun is there.. enjoy sgt wif all my frens, since last week whn sir vignes had gve us a lot of job 2 be done.. congrates 2 Dang Anum, manged 2 get da 1st place! hehe! special thanx to SIR VIGNES 4 all his efforts ang kindness from da beginning till da end! Apek, our capten! congratulations 2 all athletes! fuh, dis sports day!! act, dlm kpla ni byk nk taip.. but i dnt which one 2 choose.. ok lar juz dis.. =) view da picca!
I Wont Forget Da Moment!

he is da man!
meet our ratu!

keep on marching! maskot!!


meet sir shahirin! dic pic wnt show da real me! hahah

noras, nut, shud

my frenzz!

meet aida!

da cheer group!

wif da band drum major! whoa!! pnas ar weiyh!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


cute rite
cute rite

cute rite

Saturday, March 28, 2009

littlegurl x sombong okey!

hey yo! kpd sesiapa saje x kre lar kwn2 lme, kwn2 bru, sdare mara, pakcik van, makcik kantin, pak guard, sspe pn je lar yg tersmpak ngn littlegurl kat mp, dp, library, sek, tepi jalan, toilet, warung pak seman, kdai gunting rmbut. mne2 and ape2 jelar kan... littlegurl ni x sombong lar...... plez dnt cll me like dat.. i hate it.. sumtimes when i'm not in a mud i'll ignore everyone and everythng! except my pillow! and i'm really sory 4 dis! sory sgt2 coz x tgur, x say hi! when i meet u all.. i'll try to change 4 all of u okey! smile!! =)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

my "drugs"!

drugs its a stuff 4 sme people need it desprately!! so do i! i always get my "drugs" at least once a day b4 i go 2 sleep... wat do u thnk?? heheh! my drugs is act a song lar beb! unintended by Muse!! i really luv dis song! 4 me, its a nice song wif a wonderful lyrics! cewah!! hahah! matthew bellamy u r rock man!! i hope sumone could play dis song LIVE 4 me! haha! jiwang lak ttbe! yuks!! here's da lyrics wif their pic! hee~


You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one Ill always love
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one Ill always love

Ill be there as soon as I can
But Im busy mending broken pieces of the life
I had before

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be the one Ill always love

Ill be there as soon as I can
But Im busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

Ill be there as soon as I can
But Im busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before
Before you...

hey yo!

hee~ nothng much 2 write.. i'm glad school reopen!! meet my frens, teachers.. hahah!
makes me feel happy!! i luv my frens and teachers!! =)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

beloved siblings!!!

hye readers! dnt noe y, feels wnna talk about my siblings.. hehe! erm, if u wnna read, u read, if u dnt want, u dnt hve to.. ini bkn paksaan.. hee~

da 1st born in my family!! hahah! meet Ezee! i'm soo proud of him! coz he is gud in many thngs! syair, berzanji, singing, ya, i love his voice! me and him, we r very close! my prnts notice dat i am da only dat can deal anythng wif him.. i hope he will lead me and othrs to b a gud person smeday..

here u r! my only sis!! u can cll her Eza! hehe! sme wif my nme isnt?? ya, she's younger than me, but she's taller!! dats wat i hate about her!! hahah! sory sis! whn people meet us, thy will say dat i'm her adik! i like it act.. hahah! dis gurl, she always complaining here and there! haiz.. we always shre our gurls stories togther.. she is going to tke PMR dis year... all da best sis! i'll always pray 4 ur success!

meet my younger bro Ezee! hehe! he's very very crzay!! notty!! fightng wif him everyday is MUST! it's 1 of my routine! ha! ha! ha! ya, i do love him cause till 2day he is da ONLY ONE dat can makes me happy and laugh whn i'm not in a mood.. although it's juz a min, but its precious!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


yesterday i went to da library ALONE 4 da 1st time.. hahah! from 9 to 10.30 i do wat i've to do.. thn a fren of mine, txt me and join me.. haha! thn im not alone... hehe! quite a long time we ddnt meet.. wat a cool fren! then, at fatina cme and join us.. the bestie!! hee~ so, after all works done! i went 4 a tuition. huhuh! tired!! yeah!! yesterday many things had hapnned!! very2 complicated!!

Monday, March 16, 2009


well 2day at 9.30 a.m, i went 2 library wif aimi my cuz and najmi.. heheh! ya, i taught aimi math about matrix dat i had learnt from tuition.. najmi and i, we managed 2 settle up our tuition hw!! yay!! haha! so, we went back at 2 pm.. at 4 pm my uncle sent me and aimi to banda hilir.. so, we spent our evening at there till 5.30.. ya, i spent quite a lot of money!! hahah! and u noe wat, aimi and i, we stayed at da bus stop 'bout 2 hours!!! no bus!! argh!! so, i clled my cuz bro to fetch us! lucky us he is not bzy! thanx along! hehehe! at 9 pm all my cousins rturned 2 kl.. sedih nye!! gonna miss u guys!! really do!

Friday, March 13, 2009


holiday?? really?? act no!! ya! maybe it's school holiday.. but 4 me, and my frens it is not..
coz we hve extra classes at school, and even our tuition also hve extra classes.. huhuhuh!
ya! ya! its 4 our own gud! i noe, and dats y i'll go.. hehe! ok2! dats all.. ''happy holiday''!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


2mrrow monday holiday!! yay!! dat means i've time 2 finish up my hw.. heheh! my cuzin n i, we had plan 2 ponteng math tuition.. quite lazy!! huhuh! but juz dis time.. nxt time, i won't do it again.. really?? hahah! depends.. argh!! tired meh.. ;-%

Saturday, March 7, 2009

tired saturday..

as usual, i'll wke up at 7 a.m.. hehehe! felt very very sleepy coz last nite i ddnt get enough sleep.. i had spent about rm50 dis mrning.. heheh! quite a lot for me coz im a stdnt.. i bought my revision books.. beli je, bt x tau lar.. then, i saw a cute small teddy bear! hahaha! pe lg! beli je lar.. heheh! i went 4 a tution then, from 1 to 4 pm.. blurr jek.. i've notice dat i had left my oral dialog at skul!! careless meh.. so, aisyah i need ur help! =)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

fav teacher~


let me introduce u my fav teacher!!

here u r...

meet Mr.Vignes!!


he is my class teacher since i'm in form4..

he is my chemistry teacher.. which is my fav subject even i'm not good in it, but i'm still trying..

he use to call me as ''mentadak'' sometimes.. hahah! i dnt noe y??

only he knows dat..

for me, he is cool, smart, open minded, cares about our studies, fair n bla bla bla......

i think, i'm not da only one who choose him as fav teacher...

his admirers are everywhere in dat school!

am i rite?Check Spelling haha!

hope u will happy always sir!

may u have a great journey in ur life!


as i came back from school 2day, i met sir john.. meet him, remind me about da gamelan and caklempong.. he was my music teacher.. this video, it was on 12.08.2008! combination between f4 and f2! at melaka mall.. herm, we had lost at dis time! argh!!! wat a bad memory to be remember.. sir johan said, we had lost a lot of points on da caklempong song "mudik arau".. on 2007 at Taman Budaya, all of us from 3rkm were involved.. we were at da third place.. herm.... we were not performed very well last year.. =(


last monday till today is my exam week!
my 1st exam in f5!
chem, bio and addmath r da hardest papers!
tired meh..
last min study..
hope me and my frens will get a good rslts!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

found it!

my long lost movie dat i bought from a fren
i've found it at last!
Yamada Taro Monogatari!!
it's about da high school life..
i luv it!
thanx eva!

Friday, February 20, 2009

ciri-ciri sahabat yang baik

Aku telah meminta pendapat daripada seseorang abg mengenai ciri-ciri sahabat yang baik. lalu ini adalah repons beliau kepada soalan aku. so, aku juz nk berkongsi.. happy reading!

Saya berfikir semula mengenang bagaimana pula kehidupan saya selama ini menjalin persahabatan. Saya mengaku saya bukanlah sebaik kawan untuk beberapa ketika yang kritikal.
Namun kini saya mengenali erti berkawan dan bersahabat setelah mengetahui akan keindahan yang ditunjukkan oleh sahabat sekeliling dan paling mengesani jiwa saya adalah sinaran hidup Rasulullah yang diakui oleh penulis barat seperti Montgomery Watt dalam Mohammad at Mecca, Stanley Lane Poole dalam The Speeches and Table Talk of Prophet Muhammad dan Thomas Carlyle dalam Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History.
Antara lain menyebut oleh Montgomery adalah katanya:
Pada pendapat saya pekerti Muhammad yang mulia dan kebenaran yang diajarnya adalah sebab utama beliau mendapat sokongan dan kesetiaan Abu Bakar dan Umar, serta kekuatan dan keberanian Khalid bin Walid dan Amru bin As.
Stanley pula berkata:
Terhimpun pada diri Muhammad sifat lemah lembut dan gagah berani sehingga seseorang yang cuba menilainya akhirnya akan mengagumi dan mengasihinya. Beliau seorang yang sanggup berdepan dengan kemarahan kaumnya. Beliau juga tidak mudah melepaskan tangannya semasa bersalaman. Beliau mengasihi kanak-kanak dan sentiasa melemparkan senyuman di samping menuturkan kata-kata indah yang mulia kepada mereka. Persahabatannya yang tulus, sikap pemurah, berani dan cekal yang ada padanya, semua ini mencairkan kritikan dan sebaliknya melahirkan kekaguman.
Manusia ini perlu memelihara 2 hubungan iaitu:
Hubungan dengan Tuhannya, Allah
Hubungan dengan Manusia
(keluarganya, jirannya, gurunya, sahabatnya dsb)
Allah berpesan apabila membina hubungan dengan manusia lain dalam surah Al Hujurat ayat 12:
Wahai mereka yang beriman, jauhilah daripada kebanyakan prasangka kerana sebahagian daripada prasangka itu adalah dosa. janganlah kamu mengintip kesalahan orang lain dan janganlah sebahagian kamu mengumpat sebahagian yang lain.
Setiap insan dilihat pada potensi kebaikan nya...manusia ini boleh hidup bahagia jika dia faham apa Allah pesan pada ayat 2 surah Al Maidah yang bermaksud:
Bertolong-tolonganlah kamu di atas perkara kebaikan (taqwa) dan janganlah pula kamu bertolong-tolongan dalam perkara dosa dan permusuhan.
Sedikit kebaikan dari kedua pihak yang bermusuh perlu disinergikan bersama agar hati-hati yang keras akan menjadi lembut memaafkan.
Di atas melalui terjemahan surah abang selitkan ciri-ciri seorang kawan, teman, sahabat dan rakan...
ada lagi ciri yang Allah ajar dalam Quran iaitu melalui surah Al Ahzab ayat 70 yang mana Allah pesan pada kita supaya bertaqwa dan berkata benar.
Lainnya daripada hadis adalah tepati janji, jaga amanah bila diberi percaya.
Dan lagi dalam surah As Saff ayat 2 Allah memberitahu bahawa seseorang itu bagus apabila dia buat apa yang dia katakan. Kata mesti dikota.
Dalam surah Ali Imran ayat 159 ini Allah ada beritahu bahawa berlemah lembut dan tidak berhati keras.
Anas bin Malik selama 10 tahun bersama Rasulullah tidak pernah dia dimarah dan diherdik oleh Baginda, malahan Rasulullah tidak pernah meninggikan suara pada Anas. bayangkan Rasul ni adalah sahabat paling baik dalam dunia...huh
Ditambah lagi dalam surah Luqman: Dimana banyak kisah si ayah mengajar anak-anaknya menjadi manusia yang berhati manusia dari berhati puaka. Antara sifat yang perlu adalah dilunakkan suara ketika berkata pada sahabatnya atau orang lebih tua.
Lainnya lagi adalah seseorang itu mudah memaafkan dikala saat dia mampu membalas dendam.
Seseorang kawan yang baik juga sebenarnya mendorong kita berlaku dengan perilaku seorang Muslim, ini asas pembinaan hati yang ikhlas dan amanah dalam berkawan. Maklumlah bila berkawan sebenarnya kita juga sedang berkomunikasi menggunakan hati dan perasaan. Ini menepati surah Asy Syams ayat 9 dan 10 yang bermaksud;
Sesungguhnya berjayalah mereka yang membersihkan jiwa dan merugilah mereka yang mengotorkannya.
Ya Diilhamkan pada manusia, Sukma kefasikan dan ketaqwaan, Beruntung bagi yang menyucikannya, Merugi bagi yang mengotorinya!
dan yang terakhir adalah tidak berbalah dalam pertikaian lidah mahupun fizikal.
Hampir kesemua ini memungkin kita mencari sahabat atau kawan yang punyai kefahaman agama yang jelas tanpa putar belit. Kefahaman yang jelas bermaksud dia beramal dengan Islam itu sepenuh iltizamnya. bersungguh-sungguh.
Abang juga mahu terus menjadi kawan yang baik dengan abang memahami jalan hidup para rasul dan sahabat nabi Muhammad melalui seerah dan kisah sahabat tulisan Safiurrahman Mubarakfuri dan tulisan Abdur Rahman Ra'fat...ianya tulisan terjemahan melayu. asal dari bahasa arab.
banyak lagi ciri kawan yang baik...jika mahu tahu lagi...cuba lihat cirii yang ada pada rasulullah. Baginda pada anaknya bukan setakat bapa, malah juga sebagai kawan. begitu juga baginda menjadi kawan kepada isterinya, orang bawahannya, rakyatnya, cucunya, mentuanya, besannya dan seterusnya...
Rasulullah itu bila bercakap pada khalayak, setiap orang individu yang mendengar baginda terasakan baginda hanya bercakap dan beramah mesra dengan dia seorang, walhal di situ ramai sekali orang bersama.

thanks a lot to you brother!


spongebob! best! best! best! i'm out of budget.. i juz hve dis! can u give me?